{ Metodi e strumenti per la implementazione di applicazioni di Realtà Aumentata }
Hashtag keywords: #TateoBlog #AR #augmentedReality #computerVision #humanVisionSystem #HVD #3Dgraphics #ARToolKit #osgART #ARTag #ARToolKitPlus #StudierstubeTracker #MixedRealityToolkit #MRT #FLARToolKit #JSARTollKit #SLARToolKit #NyARToolkit #ARDesktop #AndAR #ATOMICAuthoringTool #ATOMICWebAuthoringTool #ArUco #Look
Augmented Reality represents today the main novelty of marketing and communication, but its roots are firmly founded in more mature technologies, such as computer vision. Its evolution is already moving towards innovative approaches such as the Human Vision System (briefly HVS).
{ La Realtà Aumentata, rappresenta oggi la novità principale del marketing e della comunicazione, ma le sue radici sono saldamente fondate in tecnologie più mature, come la computer vision. La sua evoluzione si sta già orientando verso approcci innovativi come lo Human Vision System (brevemente HVS). }
In order to read the related entire article, follow the below link:
{ Per leggere l'intero articolo a riguardo, segui il collegamento qui sotto: }
Interdisciplinary Lifelong Learning and Web-based Knowledge Sharing about the following topics:
Artificial Intelligence ~ Augmented / Virtual Reality ~ Automation ~ Electronics ~ Literature ~ Information Technology ~ Mobile Devices ~ Problem Management ~ Social Media ~ Simulation ~ Artificial Vision ~ Work Skills
Artificial Intelligence ~ Augmented / Virtual Reality ~ Automation ~ Electronics ~ Literature ~ Information Technology ~ Mobile Devices ~ Problem Management ~ Social Media ~ Simulation ~ Artificial Vision ~ Work Skills
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