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Interpersonal relationships.

Relazioni interpersonali.

 It happens every day, in private life, as in the workplace, to see people who continually try, and with any expedient, to emerge by competing with those around them, who continually try to highlight how their skills and competences are better than those of others. But the only result these people get is that of appearing surly, presumptuous and unapproachable, instead of appearing reliable and worthy of admiration.
  {Capita tutti i giorni, nella vita privata, come sul posto di lavoro, di vedere gente che prova continuamente, e con qualsiasi espediente, di emergere mettendosi in competizione con chi li circonda, e che cerca continuamente di evidenziare quanto le proprie abilità e competenze siano migliori di quelle degli altri. Ma l’unico risultato che queste persone ottengono è quello di apparire scontrose, presuntuose ed inavvicinabili, invece di apparire affidabili e meritevoli di ammirazione.}

Hashtag keywords: #skills #softSkills #everydayLife #workplace #competition #TateoBlog #TILLL

Extract fromEmpathy gives you an extra gearTILLL-Learning


Tateo’s Interdisciplinary Lifelong Learning Project



Learning, knowledge sharing and communities engagement about:

Artificial Intelligence; Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality; Automation; Electronics; Computer Science and Information Technology; Mobile Technologies; Problem Solving; Readings; Social Media; Modeling and Simulation; Artificial Vision; Hard and Soft Work Skills.

by Tateo Giovanni Battista


TILLL~Blog © October 18, 2021
