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Visualizzazione dei post da ottobre, 2021

Imaging 3D by means of Time of Flight measurement

{Acquisizione di immagini 3D per mezzo della misura del Tempo di Volo}     One of the most important components of a vision system is the  imaging  subsystem. Depending on the goal that is set in the construction of a vision system, it is more appropriate to refer to one technique rather than another. In particular, among  3D imaging  techniques, when looking for a  simple  and  economical  technical solution, the ideal technique to adopt is that based on the measurement of the time of flight. In fact, this technique allows to measure the distance of the objects present in the field of view of the shooting sensor.   The accuracy of the 3D survey is certainly inferior to other more sophisticated techniques, such as that of laser ranging. However, on the other hand, you can enjoy the advantage of operating with less invasive electromagnetic frequencies, and with  simpler  and  less expensive  hardware. So simp...

Interpersonal relationships.

Relazioni interpersonali.  It happens every day, in  private life , as in the  workplace , to see people who continually try, and with any expedient, to emerge by  competing  with those around them, who continually try to highlight how their skills and competences are better than those of others. But the only result these people get is that of appearing surly, presumptuous and unapproachable, instead of appearing reliable and worthy of admiration.   { Capita tutti i giorni, nella  vita privata , come sul posto di lavoro, di vedere gente che prova continuamente, e con qualsiasi espediente, di emergere mettendosi in  competizione  con chi li circonda, e che cerca continuamente di evidenziare quanto le proprie abilità e competenze siano migliori di quelle degli altri. Ma l’unico risultato che queste persone ottengono è quello di apparire scontrose, presuntuose ed inavvicinabili, invece di apparire affidabili e meritevoli di ammirazione. } H...

Modern technology for physical prototyping and manufacturing: 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing

{Tecnologia moderna per la prototipazione e la produzione fisica: Stampa 3D e Additive Manufacturing}   In general, with both the terms "Additive Manufacturing" and "3D Printing" we mean that revolutionary technology for the construction of products that is registering a high consensus in the industrial world, because it is allowing to reinvent and speed up the production of prototypes, is radically revolutionizing the face of industrial production of final products, in series and not.    The process underlying this new technology, in short, consists in the construction of an object by overlapping layers of material, using its  digital   model .   {In generale, con entrambi i termini “Additive Manufacturing” e “3D Printing” si intende quella rivoluzionaria tecnologia per la costruzione di manufatti che sta registrando un elevato consenso nel mondo industriale, perché sta permettendo di reinventare e velocizzare la produzione di prototipi, sta radicalmente r...

The era of corporate social networking has begun

{E’ iniziata l’era del social networking aziendale}   Globalization, the needs of the constantly connected contemporary world, and also the recent pandemic, are directing companies towards new organizational models that are inspired by the typical tools of  web 2.0  and  social networking , such as wikis, blogs and other interactive models. In fact, social networks allow you to create a  collaborative environment  between groups of employees scattered in various parts of the world, allow you to directly involve the customer in the process of designing and manufacturing products, help to keep employees' morale high and to make them effective and pleasant relationships of collaboration.   By building a social community through which employees, consumers and partners can interact, many benefits can be obtained, among which we can mention:   - improving the management and sharing of knowledge   - improving communication between employees   -...

The crisis according to Einstein's opinion

{La crisi secondo l'opinione di Einstein}     Periods of  crisis  are important because they favor the improvement of existing systems and the search for new solutions. To confirm the authoritativeness of this thesis, I report a series of famous quotations by an illustrious scientist such as Albert  Einstein .   {I periodi di  crisi  sono importanti perché favoriscono il miglioramento dei sistemi esistenti e la ricerca di nuove soluzioni. A conferma della autorevolezza di questa tesi riporto una serie di citazioni famose di un illustre scienziato qual'è Albert  Einstein .} "Creativity arises from anxiety,  as the day  arises from the dark night" {La creatività nasce dall'ansia, come il giorno nasce dalla notte oscura} "We do not expect that things will change if we keep doing them in the same way" {Non pretendiamo che le cose cambino se continuiamo a farle nello stesso modo} "The crisis is the greatest blessing for people and nation...

From the mainframe to the Personal Computer

{Dal mainframe al personal computer}   The term "personal computer" in its original meaning indicates any computer that has been designed for the use of only one person at a time, as opposed to, for example,  mainframes  which were accessed by means of remote terminals and shared with many other people.   Their use was shared, and for an hour of their use you had to pay 40 euros per hour. Since the remote terminals for accessing the mainframe were connected to it by telephone lines, few people can boast of actually having seen one live.   Mainframes were capricious (unreliable) monsters who lived in protected, air-conditioned environments, were intimidating because they were big and complex, and also cost millions of dollars each.   {Il termine “personal computer” nel suo significato originale indica un qualsiasi computer che sia stato progettato per l'uso di una sola persona per volta, in contrapposizione per esempio ai  mainframe  ai q...

The Alchemist

{L'Alchimista} "I cry for Narcissus" (said the lake),  "but I never realized he was beautiful. I cry for Narcissus because,  every time he lay down on my banks,  I could see his beauty reflected in the depths of his eyes." {"Io piango per Narciso" (disse il lago),  "ma non mi ero mai accorto che fosse bello. Piango per Narciso perché,  tutte le volte che lui si sdraiava sulle mie sponde, io potevo vedere riflessa nel fondo dei suoi occhi la ma bellezza."}   The Alchemist is perhaps Coelho's best known novel. The teaching that comes from this spiritual and magical fable is that you have to learn to listen to your heart. The Alchemist is the story of an initiation. The protagonist is Santiago, a young Andalusian shepherd boy who embarks on an adventurous journey that, through the North African desert, will take him to the Egypt of the Pyramids. During this journey Santiago meets the old Alchemist who will make him rediscover courage, confid...