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The Operations Research

La Ricerca Operativa

  Operations Research (RO), also known as decision theory or management science is the branch of applied mathematics in which complex decision problems are analyzed and solved using mathematical models and advanced quantitative methods ( optimization, simulation, etc.). 
  The goal is to provide decision making support. To achieve this, operations research provides mathematical tools to support decision-making activities in which it is necessary to manage and coordinate limited activities and resources in order to maximize or minimize an objective function.
  La Ricerca Operativa (RO), nota anche come teoria delle decisioni, scienza della gestione o, in inglese, Operations Research (OR) è la branca della matematica applicata in cui problemi decisionali complessi vengono analizzati e risolti mediante modelli matematici e metodi quantitativi avanzati (ottimizzazione, simulazione, ecc.). 
  L'obiettivo è quello di fornire un supporto alla presa di decisioni (decision making). Per giungere a questo scopo, la ricerca operativa fornisce strumenti matematici di supporto alle attività decisionali in cui occorre gestire e coordinare attività e risorse limitate al fine di massimizzare o minimizzare una funzione obiettivo

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: #operationsResearch #decisionTheory #managementScience #decisionMaking #decisionSupport 
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Extract fromThe Operations ResearchTateo’s Interdisciplinary Lifelong Learning Project



 Tateo’s Interdisciplinary Lifelong Learning Project



Learning, knowledge sharing and Communities engagement about: Artificial Intelligence, Augmented / Virtual / Mixed Reality, Automation, Electronics, Computer Science and Information Technology, Mobile Devices, Problem Solving, Readings, Social Media, Simulation, Artificial Vision, Work and Soft Skills

by Tateo Giovanni Battista


Tateo~Blog © September 18 2021
