{Gli artigiani digitali}
Digital artisans, or simply "Makers", as they are commonly called, constitute a cultural movement of current times, and represent an extension, on a technological basis, of the traditional world of "do it yourself". Among the typical interests of the makers are engineering projects, such as electronic equipment, robotic designs, devices for 3D printing, and numerical control equipment.
The birth of the digital craft subculture is closely associated with the birth of hacker spaces, that is, spaces for collaborative innovation.
{Gli artigiani digitali, o semplicemente "Makers", come sono comunemente chiamati, costituiscono un movimento culturale dei tempi attuali, e rappresentano un'estensione, su base tecnologica, del tradizionale mondo del “fai da te”. Tra gli interessi tipici dei makers vi sono le realizzazioni di tipo ingegneristico, come per esempio le apparecchiature elettroniche, le realizzazioni robotiche, i dispositivi per la stampa 3D, e le apparecchiature a controllo numerico.
La nascita della subcultura dell'artigianato digitale è strettamente associata alla nascita di spazi hacker, ovvero di spazi di innovazione collaborativa.}
“Makers are people who change mechanisms and components, economic models, and housing solutions, in order to discover new ways to get by and live happily even when the economy ends up in the toilet.”
{I makers sono gente che modifica meccanismi e componenti, modelli economici, e soluzioni abitative, al fine di scoprire modi nuovi per tirare avanti e vivere felici anche quando l'economia va a finire nel cesso.}
(cit. Cory Doctorow, Canadian-British blogger, journalist, and science fiction author who served as co-editor of the blog Boing Boing)
Hashtag keywords: #electronics #makers #DIY #hacker #collaborativeInnovation #TateoBlog #TILLL
Extract from: Digital Artisans (Makers) and Digital Manufacturing Laboratories (Fab-Lab), TILLL-Learning
Tateo’s Interdisciplinary Lifelong Learning Project
Learning, knowledge sharing and communities engagement about:
Artificial Intelligence; Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality; Automation; Electronics; Computer Science and Information Technology; Mobile Technologies; Problem Solving; Readings; Social Media; Modeling and Simulation; Artificial Vision; Hard and Soft Work Skills.
by Tateo Giovanni Battista
TILLL~Blog © November 15, 2021
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