{La realtà virtuale immersiva.}
"I've seen things you humans couldn't imagine,
battleships ablaze off the Orion ramparts,
and I've seen B-rays flashing in the dark near the gates of Tannhäuser."
“Io ne ho viste cose che voi umani non potreste immaginarvi,
navi da combattimento in fiamme al largo dei bastioni di Orione,
e ho visto i raggi B balenare nel buio vicino alle porte di Tannhäuser.”
(Roy Batty in “Blade Runner” - Ridley Scott)
Immersive virtual reality is an environment built "around" the user capable of creating a sensation of sensory involvement and "immersion" in the synthetic environment generated by the computer. To create this "immersive" interaction with the virtual environment, the following peripheral devices are used: viewers, trackers, headsets, wired gloves, cyber-suits.
{La realtà virtuale immersiva è un ambiente costruito “intorno” all’utente in grado di creare una sensazione di coinvolgimento e “immersione” sensoriale nell’ambiente sintetico generato dal computer. Per la realizzazione di questa interazione “immersiva” con l’ambiente virtuale si utilizzano i seguenti dispositivi periferici: visori, tracker, auricolari, wired gloves, cyber-tute.}
Hashtag keywords: #VR #virtualReality #bladeRunner #TateoBlog #TILLL
Extract from: Let's immerse ourselves in virtual reality, TILLL-Learning
Tateo’s Interdisciplinary Lifelong Learning Project
Learning, knowledge sharing and communities engagement about:
Artificial Intelligence; Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality; Automation; Electronics; Computer Science and Information Technology; Mobile Technologies; Problem Solving; Readings; Social Media; Modeling and Simulation; Artificial Vision; Hard and Soft Work Skills.
by Tateo Giovanni Battista
TILLL~Blog © November 13, 2021
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