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Visualizzazione dei post da novembre, 2021

Reverse Engineering and Reverse Modeling.

[IT] Reverse Engineering e Reverse Modeling.    Sometimes, during the life cycle of a product, it happens to have to question the project that led to its realization. This can happen, for example, when the intent of the original design needs to be determined and  formalized , or when a  modernization  of the manufacturing process is needed, or when new components, features or properties need to be  integrated  into the existing product design.    In these cases, it is evident that the logical direction, which normally proceeds from the idea towards the solution, is  reversed , because it is required to start from an idea already realized, or from an already existing product (as-built).   [IT] Talvolta, durante il ciclo di vita di un prodotto, capita di dover mettere in discussione il progetto che ha portato alla sua realizzazione. Ciò può avvenire, per esempio, quando occorre determinare e  formalizzare  l'intento del prog...

Social Networking.

  Social Networking is one of the components of Web 2.0. In recent years, social networking has made a lot of talk about itself. First of all, we must debunk some clichés: social networking is not the exclusive prerogative of young people, its usefulness is not limited to socialization, and to make use of it it is not necessary to be an expert. In fact, research shows that the average age of the main social networks is constantly growing and that social networks are increasingly used for business, i.e. not just for mere socialization. Furthermore, to be successful on social networks, rather than technical and IT knowledge, it is useful, indeed indispensable, to have a good strategy.   Il Social Networking è una delle componenti del Web 2.0. Negli ultimi anni il social networking ha fatto parlare tanto di  sé. Innanzitutto bisogna sfatare dei luoghi comuni: il social networking non è prerogativa esclusiva dei giovani, la sua utilità non è limitata alla socializzazione, e p...

Sharing of scientific knowledge.

Condivisione delle conoscenze scientifiche. The concept of "Innovation" has changed over the course of history due to the change in the processes that govern the economy. Recently the most important mutation has been caused by  globalization , due to which the average life of products has been reduced and the innovation process has become more expensive, risky and vulnerable.    Another important factor affecting the innovation process is the new model of the labor market which, thanks to the telematic networks and the increased ease of travel, is characterized by a high  mobility  of human resources and therefore also of talents, which therefore is more and more difficult to keep for life in the same company ..    The organizational model of companies based on the concept of " supply chain " is also forcing companies to share skills and innovation processes.   Il concetto di “Innovazione” è mutato lungo il corso della storia a causa del cambiamen...

Migration from PC to mobile devices.

Migrazione da PC a dispositivi mobili.    Smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices have reached such a level that it is evident that people are starting to prefer them to personal computers. Mobile devices, in fact, offer all the functions of a personal computer (editing, internet, processing), but they also allow them to be  used anywhere . The demonstration of how much this trend is consolidating is evidenced by the fact that the most famous software applications, first of all Facebook for example, and which were initially only available on PCs, have now migrated to the mobile platform. In fact, these applications, which were originally designed and built to work exclusively on personal computers, have undergone a gradual conversion process in order to optimize their operation on mobile devices.   Gli smartphone, i tablet ed altri dispositivi mobili hanno raggiunto un livello di diffusione tale per cui è evidente che la gente comincia a preferirli ai personal ...

The contradiction between poetry, economic genius, and questionable political sympathies.

La contraddizione tra poesia, genio economico, e simpatie politiche discutibili.   We are at the beginning of the twentieth century, in the years characterized by the Second World War, the Fascist regime, its fall and the postwar period. We are talking about a poet, but also a politician and economist, of American origins but who landed in Europe, living first in London, then in Paris and then for twenty years in Italy.   Siamo agli inizi del XX secolo, negli anni caratterizzati dalla seconda guerra mondiale, dal regime fascista, dalla sua caduta e dal dopoguerra. Parliamo di un poeta, ma anche politico ed economista, di origini americane ma che approdò in Europa, vivendo dapprima a Londra, poi a Parigi e poi per vent’anni in Italia.   I am aware of the unpopularity of the character to whom I have dedicated this article, and I already know that many of you dear readers will turn up their noses just reading his name in the title, due to his rather questionable hi...

Computer Graphics origins

{Le origini della Grafica Computerizzata}   The origins of computer graphics are to be found in the context of  military  research, similarly to what has happened for many other sectors that have taken shape in the field of information technology, such as Operations Research. The graphic capabilities of computers also contributed to their diffusion, expanding their application outside the military, for example in the visual arts.   {Le origini della grafica computerizzata  vanno ricercate nel contesto della ricerca  militare , analogamente a quanto è avvenuto per molti altri settori che hanno preso forma nell’ambito dell’informatica, come per esempio la Ricerca Operativa. Anche le capacità grafiche dei calcolatori contribuirono alla loro diffusione, ampliandone l’applicazione al di fuori dell’ambito militare, per esempio nelle arti visive.}   In the early 1950s, research into the development of the first digital electronic calculators was funded by the...

The Makers

{Gli artigiani digitali}   Digital artisans, or simply " Makers ", as they are commonly called, constitute a cultural movement of current times, and represent an extension, on a technological basis, of the traditional world of " do it yourself ". Among the typical interests of the makers are engineering projects, such as electronic equipment, robotic designs, devices for 3D printing, and numerical control equipment. The birth of the digital craft subculture is closely associated with the birth of  hacker  spaces, that is, spaces for  collaborative innovation .   {Gli  artigiani digitali , o semplicemente " Makers ", come sono comunemente chiamati, costi­tuiscono un movimento culturale dei tempi attuali, e rappresentano un'estensione, su b­ase tecnologica, del tradizionale mondo d­el “ fai da te ”. Tra gli interessi tipici­ dei makers vi sono le realiz­zazioni di tipo ingegneristico, come per esempio le app­arecchiature elettroniche, le realizzazioni­ r...