Prendere le decisioni. Sometimes in decision-making processes, for example those during which a new strategy to be implemented must be established, misunderstandings occur due to the fact that, while some people involved in the process think that the decision is already consolidated, others are still elaborating a definitive decision. This is precisely the subtle distinction between "decision-making" and "decision taking", the existence of which many do not realize. The term "decision-making" refers to the process to make decisions, while the term " decision taking " refers to final act of the process, that is the actual assumption of the decision. A volte nei processi decisionali, ad esempio quelli durante i quali si deve stabilire una nuova strategia da attuare, si verificano malintesi dovuti al fatto che, mentre alcune persone coinvolte nel processo pensano che la decisione sia già consolidata, altre stanno ancora elaborando un definitiv...
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