La tecnologia Indossabile.
The sudden evolution that computing and mobile devices have had in recent years suggests that in the near future these electronic devices that we can no longer do without, will be in ever closer contact with us. They will become less and less bulky, and more and more ergonomic, leaving us more and more freedom of action and movement and, at the same time, making us enjoy the benefits of having a computing device connected to the network always at hand.
La repentina evoluzione che hanno avuto i dispositivi di calcolo e quelli mobili negli ultimi anni lascia presagire che in un prossimo futuro questi dispositivi elettronici di cui non riusciamo più a farne a meno, saranno a contatto sempre più stretto con noi. Diventeranno sempre meno ingombranti, e sempre più ergonomici, lasciandoci sempre maggiore libertà di azione e movimento e, contestualmente facendoci godere dei benefici derivanti dall'avere un dispositivo di calcolo e connesso alla rete sempre a portata di mano.
This new technological trend that will transform electronic devices in such a way as to make them look almost like a man's garment, or even better a second skin, is called "wearable".
Questa nuova tendenza tecnologica che trasformerà i dispositivi elettronici in modo tale da farli sembrare quasi un indumento dell'uomo, o ancora meglio una seconda pelle, si chiama "wearable".
Here are some applications born from the advent of wearable technology: authentication; smart watches; wearable phones (watch phones); Magic band NFC; fitness tracking for monitoring physical, heart and sleep activity; personal shopping. Wearable devices also include augmented reality viewers and smart glasses.
Ecco alcune applicazione nate dall’avvento della tecnologia indossabile: autenticazione; orologi intelligenti (smart watch); telefoni indossabili (watch phone); Magic band NFC; fitness tracking per il monitoraggio dell’attività fisica, cardiaca e del sonno; personal shopping. Tra i dispositivi indossabili rientrano anche i visori di realtà aumentata e gli occhiali intelligenti (smart glass).
Hashtag keywords: #electronics #mobile #wearable #smartWatches #smartphone #smartGlass #watchPhone #TateoBlog #TILLL
Extract from: The wearable computation and mobile devices, TILLL-Learning.
Tateo’s Interdisciplinary Lifelong Learning Project
Learning, knowledge sharing and communities engagement about:
Artificial Intelligence; Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality; Automation; Electronics; Computer Science and Information Technology; Mobile Technologies; Problem Solving; Readings; Social Media; Modeling and Simulation; Artificial Vision; Hard and Soft Work Skills.
by Tateo Giovanni Battista
TILLL~Blog © December 24, 2021
Learning, knowledge sharing and communities engagement about:
Artificial Intelligence; Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality; Automation; Electronics; Computer Science and Information Technology; Mobile Technologies; Problem Solving; Readings; Social Media; Modeling and Simulation; Artificial Vision; Hard and Soft Work Skills.
by Tateo Giovanni Battista
TILLL~Blog © December 24, 2021
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