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Visualizzazione dei post da dicembre, 2021

Digital images representation.

La rappresentazione delle immagini digitali.    Digital images contain more information than scalar quantities. For this reason, their  digital   representation  within electronic computers, or storage devices, requires special attention.  Although electronic technology has now managed to provide us with memories of enormous capacity and increasingly powerful processors, the focus on image storage has remained unchanged because, on the other hand, the  size ,  detail  and  resolution  of the images currently processed have increased.  Think for example of the multi-spectral images captured by satellites, or of new digital standards such as Ultra HD .     Le immagini digitali contengono più informazioni rispetto alle grandezze scalari. Per questo motivo la loro  rappresentazione   digitale  all'interno dei calcolatori elettronici, o dei dispositivi di archiviazione, richiede una attenzione particola...


Creatività.    Creativity  plays a role in solving problems and strongly conditions the ability to identify  innovative  solutions. To be truly creative, one must free oneself from conventions and not be afraid to proceed "against the current", even to the point of risking being pointed out as eclectic, or worse still, as crazy. But how is creativity cultivated?   La  creatività  gioca un ruolo nella risoluzione dei problemi e condiziona fortemente la capacità di individuare soluzioni  innovative . Per essere veramente creativi occorre liberarsi dalle convenzioni e non avere paura di procedere anche "contro corrente", persino fino a tal punto da rischiare di essere additati come eclettici, o peggio ancora come pazzi. Ma come si coltiva la creatività? "Inventiveness manifests itself in many shapes and proportions. The most radical and revolutionary inventions are often those that give others the opportunity to free their creativity and follow ...


Digitalizzazione   The metaphor most used to explain the digital transition is that of the passage of the caterpillar to butterfly. However, it should be noted that digital only is not enough to go from caterpillar to butterfly. In fact, it is possible to use a lot of digital without necessarily changing the corporate business model in depth, that is the way in which value is produced. This less intense and less sophisticated step, which still allows you to bring home some advantages thanks to the application of new digital technologies, is called digitization.    La metafora più utilizzata per spiegare la transizione digitale è quella del passaggio del bruco a farfalla. Si osservi però che non è sufficiente soltanto il digitale per passare da bruco a farfalla. Infatti si può utilizzare tanto digitale senza necessariamente cambiare in profondità  il modello di business aziendale, ossia il modo in cui si produce valore.  Questo passaggio meno intenso e meno ...

Virtual Reality devices.

Gli strumenti della realtà virtuale.   Virtual reality to be exercised needs a series of electronic tools that allow humans to immerse themselves in the virtual world, that is, to completely insert themselves into the virtual context and interact with it, without "seeing" the reality that surrounds them anymore.   La realtà virtuale per essere esercitata ha bisogno di una serie di strumenti elettronici che permettono all'uomo di immergersi nel mondo virtuale, ossia di inserirsi completamente nel contesto virtuale ed interagire con esso, senza "vedere" più la realtà che lo circonda.    L'immersione nella realtà virtuale può avvenire per mezzo di dispositivi che si indossano e che si frappongono alla realtà nella percezione dei nostri sensi, oppure per mezzo di sale immersive in cui la realtà virtuale che si sostituisce a quella reale viene proiettata su tutte le pareti e di nuovo l’utente può interagire con le varie viste.   L'immersione nella realtà virt...

Finite Elements Analysis (FEA).

Analisi agli Elementi Finiti.    When we are faced with a  complex problem , such as a mechanical system characterized by a  complex geometry , or when the system to be analyzed is subject to  complex constraint  conditions, or when it is the  load conditions  that stress the system to be complex, then the engineering verifications in finite form, that is solving the calculations in a formal way, can be very complex and take a long time. Think for example to the solution of systems of partial differential equations. In these cases it may be convenient to solve the problem in a discrete and approximate form. In these cases a precious help is provided by the Simulation and by the  Finite Element Analysis  ( FEA ) method.    Quando ci si trova di fronte ad un  problema complesso , come per esempio un sistema meccanico caratterizzato da una  geometria complessa , oppure quando il sistema da analizzare è soggetto a  c...

The new design methodology necessary to develop software specifically for mobile devices.

La nuova metodologia di progettazione necessaria per realizzare software specificatamente per i dispositivi mobili.      The advent and diffusion of mobile technologies has made it necessary to create a new way of designing and implementing software so that the software application is suitable and optimized to work specifically on mobile devices, which are characterized by more limited hardware resources, compared to desktop computers, such as screen size, speed of the communication network, and electrical power. However, despite these limitations, mobile devices have at their disposal a series of sensors, such as the camera, the accelerometers and the gyroscopes, and a series of interfaces, such as touch screens, which allow the user to live new experiences not obtainable with a desktop device.   L'avvento e la diffusione delle tecnologie mobili ha reso necessaria la nascita di un nuovo modo di progettazione e realizzazione del software in modo che l'applicazione so...

Wearable technology

La tecnologia Indossabile.   The sudden evolution that computing and mobile devices have had in recent years suggests that in the near future these electronic devices that we can no longer do without, will be in ever closer contact with us. They will become less and less bulky, and more and more ergonomic, leaving us more and more freedom of action and movement and, at the same time, making us enjoy the benefits of having a computing device connected to the network always at hand.    La repentina evoluzione che hanno avuto i dispositivi di calcolo e quelli mobili negli ultimi anni lascia presagire che in un prossimo futuro questi dispositivi elettronici di cui non riusciamo più a farne a meno, saranno a contatto sempre più stretto con noi. Diventeranno sempre meno ingombranti, e sempre più ergonomici, lasciandoci sempre maggiore libertà di azione e movimento e, contestualmente facendoci godere dei benefici derivanti dall'avere un dispositivo di calcolo e connesso alla ret...

Major artificial intelligence applications

Le principali applicazioni dell'intelligenza artificiale.   Artificial Intelligence (AI briefly), until a few years ago, was confined exclusively to science fiction films. Today, however, AI has reached such a widespread diffusion and in such a wide variety of applications that we almost do not realize that we are surrounded and pampered every day. By examining the various applications of Artificial Intelligence, you will find that many of these are already being used, perhaps unconsciously.  Some example of AI applications are listed below.   - Voice Assistants   - Video games   - Chatbot   - Image Processing   - Recommendation   - Intelligent Data Processing   - Automatic journalism   - Home automation   - Assisted driving   - Autonomous Vehicle   - Intelligent Object       - Language Processing   - Autonomous Robot    L’Intell...

Relationship Building.

Costruzione delle relazioni. Since we are not machines but human beings, it is not possible to work regardless of relating to other people. And since we spend a good part of our day in the workplace, it is understandable that building good relationships with the people we interact with in the workplace is very important, be they work colleagues, collaborators or customers.    The work environment is all the more healthy and positive, and work becomes all the more pleasant and simple, the more we surround ourselves with friendly and trustworthy people.   Poiché non siamo macchine ma esseri umani, non è possibile lavorare prescindendo dal relazionarci con altre persone. E poiché sul posto di lavoro trascorriamo una buona parte della nostra giornata, è comprensibile come la costruzione di buoni rapporti con le persone con cui ci interfacciamo sul posto di lavoro sia molto importante, siano essi colleghi di lavoro, collaboratori o clienti.   L'ambiente di lavoro è tanto ...

Collective Intelligence into the era of the Networks, the Web and Social Media.

Intelligenza collettiva nell'era delle Reti, del Web e dei Media Sociali.   Human beings are not meant to make perfect decisions. We are usually less informed than we would like. We are not very good at predicting the future. Many of us lack the ability and willingness to engage in sophisticated calculations to evaluate costs and benefits. Instead of insisting on the best possible decision, we often make one that just feels good enough to us. And we generally let emotions influence our judgment. But despite all these flaws, when our imperfect judgment skills come together in the right way, our collective intelligence can be exceptional. When what is produced is not the fruit of a single mind, but of a thinking set of collaborating heads, we speak of "collective intelligence". The ideas, passing from one intelligence to another, are colored with different meanings, passions, values. All knowledge can therefore be rethought in the perspective of a communication that is also...

The prophet

Il profeta.   Published in New York in 1923, "The prophet" is immediately admitted with great public fervor, especially among young people, who consider Gibran a master of wisdom. We can see that, although many years have passed since the opus was written, people's interest in it has no changed. "The prophet" is a collection of writings that deals with the fundamental problems of existence and for each topic provides a justification and an answer.    Anyone can enjoy comparing their opinion with the author's vision on topics such as love, marriage, children, work, home, law, freedom, reasoning and passion, the pain, the teaching, the friendship, the thinking and conversing, good and evil, the pleasure, the religion, the death.   Pubblicato a New York nel 1923, "Il profeta" è immediatamente accolto con grande fervore di pubblico, sopratutto presso i giovani, che vedono in Gibran un maestro di saggezza. Possiamo riscontrare che, anche se sono trascor...