Learning, knowledge sharing and Communities engagement about: Artificial Intelligence, Augmented / Virtual / Mixed Reality, Automation, Electronics, Computer Science and Information Technology, Mobile Devices, Problem Solving, Readings, Social Media, Simulation, Artificial Vision, Work and Soft Skills
by Tateo Giovanni Battista
Application of Genetic Algorithms to the synthesis of aromas: the mathematics of the taste
{L’applicazione dei GA alla sintesi degli aromi: la matematica del gusto}
Using "genetic programming," researchers help flavor companies understand what their customers like.
{Usando la "programmazione genetica", i ricercatori aiutano le aziende degli aromi a capire che cosa piace ai loro clienti}
Bat. 21-830
From: TILL Project, Tateo’s Interdisciplinary Lifelong Learning Project
Hashtag keywords: #TateoBlog #artificialIntelligence #optimization #geneticProgramming #GP #evolutionaryIntelligence #bioInspired,#heuristics
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