Tateo’s Interdisciplinary Lifelong Learning Project T I L L L LEARNING - SHARING - NETWORKING Learning, knowledge sharing and Communities engagement about: Artificial Intelligence, Extended / Augmented / Virtual / Mixed Reality (XR/AR/VR/MR), Automation, Electronics, Computer Science and Information Technology, Mobile Technologies, Problem Solving & Innovation, Readings, Social Media, Simulation, Computer Vision, Work and Soft Skills, Railway. by Tateo Giovanni Battista _____________________________ LEARNING PROBLEM SOLVING & INNOVATION Creative problem solving to search of innovative solutions. La risoluzione creativa dei problemi alla ricerca di soluzioni innovative. Hashtag keywords : #problemSolving #innovation #TRIZ #brainstorming #creativity #synectics #TILLL #TateoBlog Summary . The problem solving phase within the entire life cycle of a problem. Review of the main problem solving methodologies, such as the "Trial and Error"...
Tateo's Interdisciplinary Lifelong Learning