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Visualizzazione dei post da febbraio, 2011


Tateo’s Interdisciplinary Lifelong Learning Project T I L L L LEARNING  -   BLOG  -  COMMUNITY Learning, knowledge sharing and Communities engagement about:  Artificial Intelligence, Augmented / Virtual / Mixed Reality, Automation, Electronics, Computer Science and Information Technology, Mobile Devices, Problem Solving, Readings, Social Media, Simulation, Artificial Vision, Work and Soft Skills by  Tateo Giovanni Battista ____________________________________________________________________________ LEARNING READINGS "If" by Rudyard Kipling: You'll be a Man, my son! {"Se" di Rudyard Kipling: Tu sarai un Uomo, figlio mio!} Hashtag keywords :   #readings #poetry #kipling #if #TILLL  #TateoBlog  Summary .   "If", that is the famous poem that Rudyard Kipling dedicated to his son, teaches us how to become Men.   { "Se", ossia la celebre poesia che Rudyard Kipling dedicò al figlio, ci insegna come diventare Uomini } You are ...

Ben arrivato Vito Edoardo

09 / 02/ 2011  Questa mattina i miei occhi hanno beneficiato,  nuovamente ma non meno estasiati,  dello spettacolo della vita:  é nato Vito Edoardo.  Ben arrivato figliolo.