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Visualizzazione dei post da settembre, 2022

Embedded Vision.

La Computer Vision Incorporata. The term embedded vision refers to the integration of a camera, acquisition sensor of a vision system, and of a processing board which, by means of image processing algorithms, allow to extract information and give meaning to the images or videos acquired. Machine vision is developing and evolving rapidly, driven by advances in electronics and vision sensor technology. Col termine visione embedded ci si riferisce all'integrazione di una telecamera, sensore di acquisizione di un sistema di visione, e di una scheda di elaborazione che, per mezzo di algoritmi di image processing, permette di estrarre le informazioni e dare significato alle immagini o video acquisiti.  La visione artificiale si sta sviluppando ed evolvendo rapidamente, trainata dai progressi dell'elettronica e dalla tecnologia dei sensori di visione. In fact, historically, the vision systems consisted of a camera and a Personal Computer. These components were both bulky and expensive...


Tateo’s Interdisciplinary Lifelong Learning Project T I L L L LEARNING  -  SHARING  -  NETWORKING Learning, knowledge sharing and Communities engagement about: Artificial Intelligence, Extended / Augmented / Virtual / Mixed Reality (XR/AR/VR/MR), Automation, Electronics, Computer Science and Information Technology, Mobile Technologies, Problem Solving & Innovation, Readings, Social Media, Digital Modeling and Simulation, Computer Vision, Work & Soft Skills, Railway. by  Tateo Giovanni Battista _____________________________ SHARING TILLL project Journal -- August 2022. Giornale del progetto TILLL - Agosto 2022 . We are talking about:    #artificialIntelligence #augmentedReality #virtualreality #mixedReality #automation #electronics #computerscience #informationTechnology #mobileTechnology #problemSolving #innovation #reading #socialmedia #simulation #computervision #workSkills #softskills #railway #TILLL #TateoBlog  Summary . Summary of the...