Le tecniche di calcolo "soft" in alternativa a quelle “hard". “Unlike traditional, or hard, computation methods, soft computing aims to adapt to the pervasive imprecision of the real world.” "A differenza dei metodi di calcolo tradizionali o hard, il soft computing si prefigge lo scopo di adattarsi alla pervasiva imprecisione del mondo reale" (cit. Lotfi A. Zadeh, known as the Father of Fuzzy Logic and who coined the phrase 'soft computing' ) The resolution of modern problems, which are characterized by increasing complexity and continuous mutability , requires a different approach than conventional calculation methods, which are identifiable by some very specific characteristics, namely: exact data, rigid programming, binary logic, deterministic models , batch processing, precise results. The current availability of increasingly greater computing powers allow the exploration of new calculation methods that dist...
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