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Khalil Gibran : when poetry helps to think over

Khalil Gibran : when poetry helps to think over Tateo~Blog > Web posting >  Literature  >  Poetry  >  Gibran  > #readings #literature #poetry #Gibran #theProfet #sandAndFoam #TateoBlog #TILLL “No one can reveal anything to you except what is already lying half-asleep in the dawning of your knowledge. If he (the teacher) is really wise he does not offer you to enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind." (Khalil Gibran, The prophet - about the teaching)  "Nessuno può rivelarvi alcunché se non ciò che già giace semi-addormentato nell'albeggiare della vostra conoscenza. S'egli (l'insegnante) è davvero saggio non vi offre di entrare nella casa della sua saggezza, ma vi conduce piuttosto alla soglia della vostra stessa mente."  (Khalil Gibran, Il profeta - sull'insegnamento)    18 December 2019. Khalil Gibran is one of my favorite poetry authors. Let's take a look at its hi...

The time has come to return to study

{ E' giunto il momento di ritornare a studiare} Tateo~Blog  >  Web posting   > Lifelong Learning #LifelongLearning #contamination #blog #knowledgesSharing #ArtificialIntelligence #ArtificialVision #AugmentedReality #Automation #Electronics #InformationTechnology #Interdisciplinary #Literature #MixedReality #MobileDevices #ProblemManagement #Simulation #SocialMedia #SoftSkills #VirtualReality #WorkSkills 04 December 2019. “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”  ( cit. Henry Ford )   | IT |  “Chiunque smetta di imparare è vecchio, a vent'anni o ottanta. Chiunque continua a studiare rimane giovane..”  ( cit. Henry Ford ) If one day of your life you realized that because of your working and personal commitments you are losing sight of the latest news on topics on which you have invested many years of study and work, then it means that the time has come to return ...

Writing and publishing, that is: the essence of “web posting”

{Scrivere e pubblicare, ossia: l’essenza del web posting} #blog #WebPosting #post #publishing #writing  #TateoBlog #TILLL The action of writing a thinking and share it with others by means of a web publication is identified generally with the "web posting” term. For a blogger, the “web posting” can be considered as the breath of the blog itself, because this action demonstrates that the blog is alive, and that its author still has something important to communicate. The best practices for a blogger suggest that he should write something daily. Attention: I used the verb "to write" rather than the verb "publish" because it's evident that to share our thinking with our web friends is a practice that require a more responsibility respect to the only writing. Infact the writing is very useful for us because enable to fix instantaneously our thinkings and ideas, in the same way that an image remains imprinted on a photograph. Writing represent a way to...

About Me

{Su di me} Tateo~Blog  >  Web posting  >   About Me #TateoBlog #LifelongLearning #contamination #blog #knowledgesSharing #ArtificialIntelligence #ArtificialVision #AugmentedReality #Automation #Electronics #InformationTechnology #Interdisciplinary #Literature #MixedReality #MobileDevices #ProblemManagement #Simulation #SocialMedia #SoftSkills #VirtualReality #WorkSkills 28 November 2019 Will he go far away? Will he be lucky? Will he fix up all the wrong things of this world? We… We do not know… because he is still marching with the courage and the decision of the first day. We can only wish him, with all our hearts: – ‘Have a nice trip!’  (cit. Gianni Rodari, The young prawn) | IT | “Andrà lontano? Farà fortuna? Raddrizzerà tutte le cose storte di questo mondo? Noi non lo sappiamo, perché egli sta ancora marciando con il coraggio e la decisione del primo giorno. Possiamo solo augurargli, di tutto cuore: Buon viaggio!” (cit. Gianni Rodari, Il g...