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Visualizzazione dei post da luglio, 2017


Tateo’s Interdisciplinary Lifelong Learning Project T I L L L LEARNING  -   BLOG  -  COMMUNITY Learning, knowledge sharing and Communities engagement about:  Artificial Intelligence, Augmented / Virtual / Mixed Reality, Automation, Electronics, Computer Science and Information Technology, Mobile Technologies, Problem Solving, Readings, Social Media, Simulation, Artificial Vision, Work and Soft Skills by  Tateo Giovanni Battista ____________________________________________________________________________ LEARNING SIMULATION My didactic, playful and working experiences regarding simulation {Le mie esperienze didattiche, ludiche e lavorative a riguardo della simulazione} Hashtag keywords :   #simulation #modelling #discreteEvents #heuristics #optimization #stigmergy #antColonyOptimization #socialInsects #swarmIntelligence #ITIA #KUL #CNR #virtualReality #TILLL  #TateoBlog  Summary .   Review of my experiences in which simulation and mo...