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Tateo’s Interdisciplinary Lifelong Learning Project T I L L L LEARNING  -   BLOG  -  COMMUNITY Learning, knowledge sharing and Communities engagement about:  Artificial Intelligence, Augmented / Virtual / Mixed Reality, Automation, Electronics, Computer Science and Information Technology, Mobile Technologies, Problem Solving, Readings, Social Media, Simulation, Artificial Vision, Work and Soft Skills by  Tateo Giovanni Battista ____________________________________________________________________________ LEARNING AUTOMATION To innovate need to think different {Per innovare bisogna pensare in modo differente} Hashtag keywords :   #problemSolving #innovation  #visionary #thinkDifferent #steveJobs #Apple  #openInnovation #TILLL  #TateoBlog  Summary .   Consideration arising from reading the biography of one of the greatest innovators and visionaries. Ranked # 1 among the 25 Most Powerful Businessmen in the World in Fortune's ...


TATEO's INTERDISCIPLINARY LIFELONG LEARNING ENCYCLOPEDIA PROBLEM SOLVING Il pensiero laterale Hashtag keywords :   #TateoBlog  #creativity #lateralThinking #problemSolving #innovation Summary .  Citation of phrases that principally captured my attention during the reading of the "Six Heat to Thinking" opera, written by Edward de Bono. Collection of my considerations, derived from my meditations about, and by sharing my opinions with my colleagues and friends .  { Citazione delle frasi che hanno maggiormente catturato la mia attenzione durante la lettura del libro "Sei cappelli per pensare", scritto da Edward de Bono. Raccolta si mie considerazioni, frutto delle mie riflessioni in merito, e della condivisione delle mie opinioni con i miei colleghi ed amici } You are   here :   < TILL > - < LEARNING > - < PROBLEM SOLVING >  - < INNOVATION >  - < CREATIVITY >  -   < LATERAL THINKING > "La maggior di...